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I'm a UX Consultant and Web Developer
I'm a UX consultant with experience in many areas of Web Development. My expertise is in CSS and bridging the gap between design and implementation. I work freelance on UX and front-end development. Previously, I worked for over ten years in various areas of Web Development at AXSOS AG near Stuttgart, Germany.
The best way to get in touch is to contact me via my blog. I can also be found on LinkedIn or Xing. You won't find me on Facebook or Twitter.
What is UX actually?
UX (short for User Experience) is a collection of disciplines that work together to make users' experiences as smooth and seamless as possible. There are too many areas for any one person to be an expert in all of them, but most UX practitioners are competent in 2 or 3, if not more. Up until now, no-one has been able to improve on Don Norman's and Jakob Nielsen's definition of UX, but allow me to describe a little of what it includes.
User experience begins with the users - who are we really creating the experience for? The designers and developers are almost never the end-users, so User Research aims to find out as much as possible about real users.
Visual Design can mean different things, but I'll summarise it as designing interfaces (UIs), graphics and prototypes.
Information Architecture, long known as the problem with no name, is the art of defining hierarchies behind the pages and within pages, as well as determining the correct language or jargon for an interface and designing navigation.
Accessibility is about making sure services and applications are usable by everyone.
Those are just some examples of UX disciplines. There is considerable overlap between them and everyone seems to define them a little differently, but if you want to read in more depth about UX disciplines I recommend Nielsen Norman Group or Userfocus.
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